
Pre Event Massage in Chicago

Pre Sporting Event Massage

Pre event massage is performed before training, competition or sports performance. The purpose of pre-competition massage is to improve blood circulation, flexibility, psychologically prepare people for activity and increase performance.

Preliminary massage is a short and specific massage procedure. Pre-race massage quickly stretches and relaxes muscles, preparing them for activity and optimal performance. The massage is aimed at increasing body temperature and enhancing cardiovascular activity. Blood circulation in the muscles increases, reducing tension and allowing them to relax. An athlete can also use massage before competition for psychological benefits. Emotions associated with participation in sport may include anxiety, stress and fatigue. A massage before a competition helps to relax the athlete and prepare him mentally for the performance.

Pre event massage

Common methods used before an event include:
Myofascial release
Pre-competition massage techniques are performed at a fast pace to stimulate the muscles in a much shorter time. Performing massage techniques more quickly can also help condition an athlete before competition. Myofascial release can help stretch and relax large areas of muscle. Stretching and relaxing muscles helps increase joint mobility.

Efflerage is a massage technique used before an event. The strokes promote venous and lymphatic return by moving upward towards the heart. Stroking can help identify specific tight or stressed areas, as well as identify any areas of pain. Kneading and kneading are used to increase tissue mobility and lengthen muscle stretching. All massage techniques are intended for pre-competition massage to prepare muscles and joints for activity and extreme stress.

What are the benefits of a pre-event massage?

Pre-event massage has many benefits. Benefits of a pre-event massage include:
Increased muscle flexibility
Maximum performance
Reduced chance of injury
Pre-event massage has many benefits. The benefits of a pre-event massage include relaxation, improved range of motion, increased flexibility, peak performance, and reduced chance of injury.

A pre-event massage helps the body relax before training or performing. Relaxing before an event can be helpful in reducing stress and anxiety. Massage relaxes the body by raising the temperature of the soft tissues of the body and releasing hormones. Massage stimulates the “relaxation response” in the body. Relaxing your body helps your muscles relax and can improve your performance. The beneficial effects of muscle relaxation also promote joint mobility. The muscles relax, allowing the joints to move through their full range of motion.

Pre-competition massage is an effective way to improve muscle flexibility. Massage helps increase flexibility by increasing temperature, increasing tissue elasticity, removing waste, and breaking down scar tissue. Increasing your range of motion before exercise allows all muscles to achieve maximum flexibility and reduce the risk of injury.


A massage before competition helps warm up the athlete’s body. Preventative massage is carried out before training or competition to prepare the athlete’s body psychologically and mentally. A wide range of pre-event massage techniques are used to stimulate muscles before exercise. Massage before competitions increases blood supply to muscles, increases joint mobility and mentally prepares the athlete for performances. Service hours are limited for customers located well outside of northwest Chicago. Please contact us for more information.